To all our valued friends, family and customers a massive thank you.
No surprises that 2021 has been tough for everyone.
You’ve overwhelmingly supported us, followed guidelines, used check ins, sanitised and generally jumped through hoops to get to the snow which has kept us safe and Covid free. Our customer base is hugely diverse and comes from far and wide, yet you have almost without exception done exactly the right things and allowed us to keep operating.
Sadly for us this is our last day for the season but we will be back. Covid will not beat us. Lockdown will not beat us.
We we will be back in 2022.
Closest chains will be Baw Baw gate. There is still some great snow play to be had over coming days.
To all of you that have kept us going and keep coming back we thank you. The smiles on your faces make all the worry worthwhile.
Thanks again from Matt, Brooke, Campbell and the team.
See you next year